The Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham represents the Church of England across Nottinghamshire with a population of 1million. It was founded in 1884 and covers some 847 sq miles, includes 307 churches, 70 church schools, 183 clergy, and hundreds of other unpaid volunteers. There are a total of 18,900 members on the electoral rolls of churches, which are supported by area administrators and a mission centre in Southwell called Jubilee House, where advisers, bishops and other staff support the work of the churches and the clergy on the ground. Some of this happens in hospitals, schools, factories and prisons, where chaplains and volunteers share their faith, offer support and maintain a tangible Christian presence across the diverse communities of the county. All these settings provide opportunities for each person to join together in the transforming mission of God where they are.
NB: The Diocese of Southwell changed its name to The Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham at the end of 2005. The main reason for this was to help people understand its locality in the UK.
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