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Derby Diocese

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Founded: 1927
Parishes: 254
Churches: 317
Geography: Derbyshire, except for a small area in the north, in the diocese of Chester; a small area of Stockport; a few parishes in Staffordshire
Overseas Link Dioceses: Overseas link of Derbyshire Churches (Baptist, Methodist, URC and Anglican): Church of North India
Population: 1050000
Area Square Miles: 990
Full time Stipendiary Parochial Clergy: 135
Benefices: 148
Source: The Church of England Year Book. For more information visit the Diocese page on Crockford's here

Diocese of Derby

We believe that Derbyshire is a great place in which to live and minister and further details of our latest vacancies can be found by following the link below to our website.

The Diocese of Derby, founded in 1927, is almost co-terminus with Derbyshire.

Approximately 997 square miles in size.

A population of about 1 million people, of whom nearly a quarter live in the urban area of Derby.

The diocese (and county) has a rich variety of topography, sociology and culture, ranging from the recognisably 'Midlands' environment of the south, around Derby to the distinctly 'northern' character of Chesterfield (the second main conurbation), the Peak District and its market towns such as Bakewell, Buxton and Glossop.

The Diocese : Key Themes

Derby is committed to missional and pastoral engagement in all its communities, and to the realisation of the gifts of the whole people of God in service and witness. Building on the diocesan Report A Better Way, a vision for mission that saw it as the shared responsibility of the whole people of God the diocesan synod committed itself in 2003 to a Mission Strategy called Renewing Ministry, rooted in a theology of ministry that is collaborative and inclusive. Parishes are in formal cluster arrangements - called Mission and Ministry Areas (MMAs) - each under the servant leadership of an 'Area Vicar', as convenor and focus for sharing of vision and resources across traditional boundaries.

Three years into his episcopate Bishop Alastair conducted a Visitation to the diocese in the Autumn of 2008 and as a result has identified five key themes for our attention in the coming years:

- spirituality

- pastoral organisation

- growth

- finance

- communication

The Diocese is launching a MAP initiative in 2011 to encourage all parishes and MMAs to identify the growth and mission opportunities in their area.


Our Role in the wider Community

The church continues to play a significant part in the public life of the county; working alongside county, community and business leaders.

It is a place where the concept of parish and church at the centre of a community still has meaning; there are over thirty distinct towns with populations between 10,000 and a 100,000 people, and this helps to define the character of the diocese.

A place of contrasts; from the agricultural villages in the west to the ex mining communities of the East; we minister in a number of contrasting environments.


The Economy

Tourism and the Rural economy

The Peak District is one of the most visited parts of the country but with one of the lowest average spends by visitors, because it is within easy travelling distances of four major conurbations.

The beauty of the countryside can belie the rural deprivation of a significant element of the population.

One of the major developments over the last decade has been the growth in interest in food quality and provenance, spearheaded by the nationally famous Chatsworth farm shop. A number of similar enterprises have sprung up across the county allied with a growing number of farmers' markets. There is a major annual food festival in Bolsover, and Buxton, not to mention the pies and puddings of Bakewell, and other regional delicacies. Food tourism is a growing and high value business.


Whilst the coal mining of the eastern edge of the diocese has all but disappeared, quarrying and cement making continue to be a major part of the economy of the Peaks.


The county is still a significant manufacturing centre, with an above national average of people employed in this sector, particularly in the south around Derby, with internationally known names as well as many smaller enterprises.

- Rolls Royce aero engines

- Toyota cars

- Thornton chocolates


- Bombardier


Church schools make a significant contribution to the education of the County.

The University of Derby plays a major part in the life of both Derby and Buxton.


Future growth

Major developments in housing, warehousing and manufacture are in process and planned along the M1 corridor; that marks the eastern boundary of the Diocese, with similar development along the A50 corridor; the southern boundary of the Diocese.

Responding to these new and expanding demands are just some of the many challenges and opportunities facing the diocese at the beginning of the 21st century.